Seniors Residence, Red Deer, Alberta

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Colbeck Developments offers clients solutions and peace of mind. Here are but a few of our achievements or projects that we have been involved in ...

  • Financial Institutions
  • Commercial Renovations, Office and Retail
  • Residential High-Rises
  • Concrete Condos
  • Wood Frame Condos
  • Seniors Residences


Our project portfolio features projects that Colbeck Developments’ owner has been involved with over the years. This represents just a sampling of the millions of square feet of condominiums, high-rises, townhomes and seniors residences that have been constructed across the country. With every passing day we hone our expertise and broaden our experience on new development projects while remaining to our mission of delivering quality efficient properties. Take the tour, and see for yourself what makes our clients say they are proud to do business with Colbeck Developments.

370 Unit
Condo Tower and Retail
with 350,000 sq. ft. Parkade
Calgary, Alberta


Interior Courtyard
Seniors Residence

Red Deer, Alberta


Royal Bank and CRU

Calgary, Alberta


300 Unit
Seniors Residence

West Island
Montreal, Quebec


310 Unit
Seniors Residence

Nun's Island
Montreal, Quebec


151 Unit
Seniors Residence
Wood Frame

Red Deer, Alberta


154 Unit
Seniors Residence
Wood Frame

Calgary, Alberta


272 Unit
Adult Community
Wood Frame

Calgary, Alberta


154 Unit
Seniors Residence
Wood Frame

Red Deer, Alberta


84 Unit
Condo Project
Wood Frame

Calgary, Alberta


15 Unit
Stacked Townhouse Project
Wood Frame

Calgary, Alberta


Our Competitive Advantage

Our most significant competitive advantage is the fact that the construction team is involved from the very beginning of site selection and site-specific concept design. They ensure that the building design is efficient and cost-effective from the design phase and during construction, they are constantly on the lookout to consider possible changes that would improve the construction process or the final product. Any possible changes, either coming from construction, marketing or operations can be quickly estimated, considered, analyzed and decided on by the senior partners. If the potential change passes the "good business decision" test, it can be just as quickly acted on with a minimum of time, effort and paperwork.